Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Nature's Lace Design

nature's lace design 

each one-of-a-kind pattern 

a work of art 



roots of a tree 

intertwined like lace stitches 

fragile leaf parasol 



young bones were straight … strong 

til his old limb cracked deeply 

fragile eighth decade 


THE DAILY HAIKU poem prompt:  Lace

* * * * * 

lady in lace 

marries magical man 

together forever 

Homage to my co-worker colleague who is getting married.  I called him Magic Matt.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021

Strong, Yet Fragile

strong yet fragile 

body handles hard work 

kintsugi heart 

So Close, Yet So Far


so close, yet so far 

siblings safely huddle 

listen to mom 

So Quiet


so quiet 

raindrops softly tap at window 

surfing on wet glass 



puddle on camp chair 

waiting to dry out, til then 

bees drink 



raindrops sparkle 

for just this present moment 

silhouette - bird's flight 


crash of thunder 

he jumps up, eyes wide open 

friend or foe? 



Sunday, June 27, 2021

Midsummer Poems: haiku and cherita

wrinkle in fete plan 

rain did not stop the party 

smiling parasols 


restrictions lifted 


fourteen frolickers 

celebrated Midsummer's Night 


food and drink imbibed 

stories, jokes, poems … all read aloud 

prizes, laughs, hugs awarded 




gardens rain-soaked 

flowers stand tall and wide 


the Green Man 

waves hello and goodbye 

to summer season 


on Midsummer's Night 

Hands Are Full

  petrichor   heavy in the air   fills our hands