Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Red, White, Blue

Red, White, Blue Still Life,  2017
Fourth of July weekend created only the briefest window of time to make a still life due to home improvement projects. This is not your traditional red, white and blue but those colors are represented here nonetheless.

It was inspired by the beautiful silver set that was a wedding gift for my husband's parents, circa 1931.  It had been buried away in a large china cabinet for years and came to light (literally) during our home improvement project.  I set it up in my studio space and grabbed the vase (made by Nelson McCoy Pottery Co. in the 1940's)  that was on the dining room table waiting for flowers.

Thank you's to my neighbor Lauri who shared her hydrangeas that contributed the finishing touch to this red, white and blue still life.

Image is available for purchase at

Custom still life services are available to clients.  Contact me for information

Hands Are Full

  petrichor   heavy in the air   fills our hands