Saturday, July 31, 2021
Choked By Smoke
choked by smoke
wings heavily weighed down
butterflies struggle
* * * * *
on the front porch
windows get closed, too
hot smoky days
* * * * *
constricted indoors
finding comfort in reading
plant watering waits
* * * * *
new summer mem'ries
delayed for many days
sunflower quest lost
* * * * *
summer's weather
unhealthy smoky air
alone, indoors
in every home
windows have been shut
poor air quality
* * * * *
close the curtains
fearful of smoky air
a hazy sunrise
Intuitive Feelings Proved True
where does it come from
how is it we know the future
that gut feeling
* * * * *
paint purple walls... green
recovery room needed
intuitive feeling
* * * * *
days of waiting
watercolor painting
until news arrived
* * * * *
"I knew it"
I could feel something was about to happen
Friday, July 30, 2021
Lightened By Love
rows of joy-filled friends
their strength holds up each other
-lightened by love
These sunflowers look like strong warriors united together. As a breast cancer survivor and friend to others with health challenges, I know how much it means to have the strength and support of family and friends. Photo and poem are in honor of these warriors.