deepest gratitude
our long walks and longer talks
homage to friendship
red male songbirds
protect their territories
flirts with females
songbirds loudly sing
battle for a safe home
serenade a mate
bird sings in garden
cat chatters in the window
all safe, happy ending
birdsongs fill the air
drown out trains planes cars
urban orchestra
crocus, my old friend
it's reunion time again
flowers herald hope
A poem inspired during the Environment & Spirituality zoom call where we had virtual visits to a favorite garden and found a story to tell, and poem to write.
hyacinth's scent stunned
pink and purple petals waved
bees buzzed
Every Wednesday evening I participate in a Zoom Call with the Meetup group: Environment & Spirituality.
Each week has a specific theme and activity; all inspirational, calming, and a constant source of haiku poems for me.
On 4/28 we again went on a virtual visit to a favorite garden and invited to a creative writing exercise.
blooming radiance
with perfect imperfections
scars lovingly held
calm, brave, as the arm
protects the breast from harm
soaks in the sun’s strength
soulful love and light
fills every breath of paint
visceral delight
Poem inspired by the beautiful paintings of Anne Pryor, LovitudeSoulPainting.
green moss hug stones
white blossoms on apple tree
birds fly to refuge
dozens of birds chirp
soothing sound of soft raindrops
lushest green grass grows
shine on, shine pink moon
up in the sky, all will stare
not ... clouded over