Monday, September 14, 2015

Video: Wendy Blomseth explains the still life photography process

Oh my, could life be any more exciting than to have a short video recorded of oneself during the big, Grand Opening Night of the exhibit: The Space Between The Words?

We had a wonderful opening with 114 guests in attendance.  We heard positive feedback about the lay out of the show, the individual artists' work, the food, the beverages and even the weather.  Couldn't have asked for anything better.

Here's a short video where I'm talking about the exhibit timeline, my love affair with light and photography and a quick announcement about the upcoming October 3rd Vine Arts Center member show titled
"Process | Presentation: Get Behind the Work, III." 

This is all I imagined it to be and more.

Life is good!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Tonight is the night of the Grand Opening

Tonight is the night. 
The realization of a bucket list item initiated June 24, 2014 when I said, "Let's do a show at the Vine Arts Center next year." 
Well, the moment has come. The artists of Karl's group, The Art Salon For Fertile Minds took up the challenge and everyone created new work, pushed their comfort zone, tried totally new things, collaborated with new friends and are ready to bare their souls as seen in their art.

Come if you dare to meet the people who are following their passions. for details tonight and throughout the month of Sept.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

When One Door Closes Another Opens

Door Closes, Another Opens

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and 
so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which 
has opened for us.    Alexander Graham Bell 

When one door closes, another one opens, so they say.

Well the time is right. I finally took the big step(s) on my personal photography journey:
(1) I started a new Facebook business page: Wendy H. Blomseth Fine Art Photography that will be a new platform to promote my fine art photography endeavors in addition to this blog and my identity at  Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter, etc. I've got a lot of work to do on it but I am excited to confidently build this brand.

(2) It seemed only fitting and proper, therefore, that I immediately proceeded without hesitation to finally delete the InBeaute Photography business page that I had held onto for so many extra years after we actually closed down the business.

Prior to this moment I was never ready to walk away from my identity, my brand, as THAT PERSON, THAT PHOTOGRAPHER.  Knowing that the FB business page still displayed InBeaute Photography validated my twelve years under that brand.

Even though it feels like a soft stab in the heart, it is a small one now that I know I will recover from.

I can again walk tall as a photographer, now independent, who is seriously pursuing a body of photographic image work that I am proud of and passionate to continue to create.

A new door has opened and I'm going through it.

I imagine that you understand this feeling as well.
If so, Namaste.

Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

Yes, Karl actually said this as he tried out the new portable microphone system for our upcoming events during the exhibit The Space Between The Words at the Vine Arts Center

Tomorrow evening is the regularly scheduled  Art Salon For Fertile Minds with the double bonus:
(1) a sneak preview of the art exhibit

(2) Art Salon Member Susan Gainen will facilitate "lightning speed Q&A of the artists" participating in the exhibit "The Space Between The Words" and invite the visiting guests to view the art, offer up their questions and be inspired into further discussions.
Why do you make art?
How did you make this/these pieces? (pick one or two)
Why did you make this/these pieces? (pick one or two)
What is your favorite art-making tool?

The grand opening is officially September 12th so early visitors get the first look and, if interested, first chance to purchase pieces that are for sale. More info at

Time will be allowed for the guests to ask questions as well so the new microphone will be well utilized tomorrow evening at the Art Salon For Fertile Minds.

Monday, September 7, 2015

How Long Does It Take?

Still Life in Black & White: September 6, 2015, no. 4324
“Being with you and not being with you is the only way I have to measure time.”
Jorge Luis Borges

How long does it take for understanding and acceptance? Ten years. Sixteen years. Never.

Today is the sixteenth wedding anniversary for my husband, Karl and I. It has been quite a journey of miles, years, experiences and we are both probably still learning about each other.

We are, as we often do, spending the weekend together up north at the cabin that he originally purchased to be the "boy cabin" for hunting, fishing and man time with friends.  Throughout the years the ambiance has changed considerably as we've used it as our photography workshop headquarters, artists' retreat, friends play ground and couples intimate personal time. How long did it take? I'd estimate it was an evolving process from 2000 to 2008 with small embellishments added each year. When I look at it now, it's hard to remember what it looked like back in 1999 before we got married.

I've been working on a photo still life series to "honor the emotive moment." It started as a learning experience to teach myself how to create fine art quality images with a new digital camera. Over a period of ten years I've been creating these still life portraits at a time/place when it had a special meaning for me, from birthdays to anniversaries to holidays.

Even though I consider one portrait to the best from each series, I usually work "in the zone" for two morning sunrise sessions before I pack it up and say, yes. I've got what I need.  How long does it take? Overall: ten years. Each session: two - four hours over two days. 

Today I came away with two favorites, the black and white at the top is in honor of all the years Karl and I spent in our black and white darkroom.

Still Life: September 6, 2015 no. 4336

The color portrait above I love because of the quality of the morning light and the props that Karl produced:  backdrop fabric and the coffee cup set he had purchased years ago for one of his past photo sets.

So, how long does it all take?  Most days I have very little patience and a short attention span. But when I take a step or two back to pause and reflect I love our years together, our many past collaborations and the ones that we're creating each and every day now in these present "emotive moments."

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Stop by for the Soft Opening of the art exhibit

Have you heard of the "soft opening" event?

Tonight, September 3rd is the soft opening of the art exhibit "The Space Between The Words" celebrating the group art exhibit from the members of the Art Salon For Fertile Minds.  It's showing off the exhibit for the artists, family, friends who cannot wait for the big grand opening.  A few things still need to be tweaked but we're about 90% ready to host guests.

I hope you can join us for one of the five, fun, free, interactive events we've got planned for September so this is a very inclusive experience for visitors. see for details.

If you cannot make it tonight, here's a very short, low budget video sneak preview made last night.

Hands Are Full

  petrichor   heavy in the air   fills our hands