Monday, May 31, 2021

Two Perfect Beauties

two perfect beauties
ev'ry petal holds blessings
filled with gratitude


I am filled with so much gratitude today to so many people: military, healthcare workers, family members, friends.  Imagine any two people or organizations that you are grateful for.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Adrenaline Rush

adrenaline rush
when a new poem is complete
breathe in contentment

365 Days Since


365 days since
new creative force was born
named ...  "haiku"


May 29,2020 anniversary of when I wrote my first haiku poem. 
The next day I found THE DAILY HAIKU. 

Long Past Midnight

long past midnight
before the early bird sings
a spark in the dark


spark starts a fire
words fly up with the flames
a poem lands on the ground

Friday, May 28, 2021

Half-Past Six a Bird


half-past six a bird
sang his sweet melodies
looked my way and winked


inspired by Emily Dickinson's line
"at half-past three a single bird" ... 
in Nature III, while I enjoyed our new seating arrangement in the garden.

Urban Bunnies


urban bunnies 

stop for a sidewalk preen 

chatting between the lines 

Crescent Moon on Breast - Fifth Day of Radiation Treatment


crescent moon on breast 

tinted a soft red from the 

glow of radiation 

Dear Friends Share Hugs


dear friends share hugs 

laugh, talk of haiku lines 

make their own rainbow 

Cannot Count The Lines


cannot count the lines 

of color in a rainbow 

touch where it lands 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

100 Blessings Given

100 blessings given
and received ... pen in hand
heart and minds open


countless raindrops fall
from sky's gentle waterfall
earth fills her fill


at the river stream 

love flows downstream to our hearts 

hopeful again … we drink 

At the River Stream

at the river stream
love flows downstream to our hearts
hopeful again ... we drink

Heat Wave Temperatures


heat wave temperatures 

need winter-like sweet treats 

ice cream melts 

Efficient Scan Tech


efficient scan tech 

heard my cancer story … 

attitude, admired 

Triple Ray Day - Third Day of Radiation

triple ray day:
bone density DX scan
x-ray radiation
sun's UV radiation
inner glow shines brightest

Tuesday, May 25, 2021



so long-ago a 

black and white daffodil print 

cried out for color 

Snipped Lilacs


snipped lilacs 

gently stand in fav'rite vase 

dream of days gone by 



dream of good night's sleep 

warm, cozy, rain falling 

we cuddle 



fantasy train ride 

stops to see TDH friends 

over the rainbow 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Travel Day Dream

travel daydream
let's go to Ireland again
talk with O'Connell ghosts 


fantasy train ride
stops to see TDH friends
over the rainbow

Red Light White Light Red - Day One


red light white light red 

breath-hold, breathe, hold again 

eyes closed today 


tomorrow eyes will be open 

nap required at home 


never felt a thing

x-ray therapy spot on

am I glowing yet?

(Written tongue in cheek, day one, when I was clueless)

Hands Are Full

  petrichor   heavy in the air   fills our hands